
Christmas :D

So maybe I'm getting a little bit better at blogging (its been less than a week since my last post!)... We'll see. :D

Holidays were complicated this year.

My aunt and uncle have a weird holiday thing where one year they spend Thanksgiving with my aunt's family, and Christmas with us, and then the opposite the next year. This was their year to spend Christmas with my aunt's family. Mom thought that, since he would not be coming to Granny and Pa's for Christmas, that we could just all get together on Christmas Eve at our house, have dinner, open presents, etc. That was evidently too straightforward. :P He and his wife and daughter did come over on Christmas Eve and we all had lunch with Granny and Pa. His family and ours exchanged gifts. We opened our presents from Mom and Dad (we always do this on Christmas Eve). My half-sister and her husband came over and opened our presents to them (they don't buy Christmas presents, something about keeping the focus of the Advent on Jesus). Then we packed up all of our stuff and went up to Granny and Pa's for Christmas. My aunt and uncle had Christmas at Granny and Pa's on the 27th. So we basically had three separate Christmases. Make sense? No.

But it worked. :D

I got the digital camera I wanted. Which rocks. That's big present #1. Big present #2 is a letter jacket whenever Marching Band orders them. So overall I'm pretty pleased.

My Christmas presents to myself were the recent purchases of four cds... (Folklore and Superstition-Black Stone Cherry, Pretty Odd-Panic! At The Disco, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist- the soundtrack, and Chicago- the Soundtrack) I love them all.

Oh and I should be prac
ticing for All-Region Tryouts or working on my History Day script... I'm doing neither... Oh well. ;)


Happy Hectic Holidays...

Good news! Mom and I have been cleaning the house. and you can tell. :D We've put up a Christmas tree, wrapped all of the presents, and re-arranged furniture in the name of the Christmas season. ;)

Twerpsquad (siblings) is at Granny and Pa's until the 23rd, when Granny and Pa are coming down for Christmas Eve.

It looks like one of my very dearest friends will get to leave all of us here in Conway like he wants. His parents are being suspiciously un-uncooperative in this whole ordeal. He told me today that his mom has arranged a shadow date for him at ASMSA. Despite myself, I'm excited. I'll miss him, but this could be a great opportunity for him. :/ If he'll be happy there, I'm determined to be happy that he's going to be there.

Tehehee, one of my other friends is (or was before we got out of school for Christmas Break) irritated with me.... I sent her a bumper sticker that said, "You're not short, you're cute and compact!" Let it suffice to say that she wouldn't ordinarily describe herself as such... ;)

First semester is over!!! Semester exams and everything!!! :D My GPA is in tolerably good shape, so I'm content. I desperately need to work on History Day over the Christmas Holiday. My goal is to have at least the script finished before we go back to school. I would love to have the audio recorded, edited, and ready to plug into the computer. But that might not happen... I might have an interview though. Waiting on the email reply. One of my mom's former student's mom is in the Peace Corps, so I'm hoping we can arrange a time for me to interview her...!

Good gracious its late. I'm off to bed now... :D


Life is complicated.

I've identified yet another of my "quirks" courtesy of my anxiety. I am constantly afraid of becoming a "clingy" friend.

So instead I occasionally border on distant. Which upsets my friends. Joy.

Anyway... someday I hope to add a decently lengthy post before midnight... for now I will continue to post my sleep-deprived ramblings. :)


Goodness, third post in one night!

So now for the stuff of interest to those who actually know me and might be reading this in order to find out whats going on in my life....

Today was pretty nice. I slept in! After waking, I read The Great Adventure: Voluteer stories of life overseas which was both entertaining and pertained to my History Day project. My morning was spent relaxing. No personal conflict since I didn't check my email or Facebook. The lack of communication with a certain person certainly helped. Later, we went grocery shopping in Little Rock, which was fun in its own way. There's always something new and exciting going on at Sam's Club! We ate dinner at La Huerta's, which is a fantastic restaurant, and then we came home and watched Beetlejuice.

The low point of the day was when I had to email the person that I am definitely not getting along with. Our friendship had been tense for a few months, but it was not a big deal. The problem was that she was growing steadily more controlling until it erupted the first time over plans that I made that included someone she disliked. That made me insensitive. Similar incidents continued to occur. The issue is now to the point where we are not on speaking terms. Unfortunately we are still forced to communicate.

On the bright side, this particular relationship has put other issues into perspective. One particularly needy friend that drove me nuts last year is now a paragon of friendship. I plan on calling her up and planning some time to hang out. Other friendships that hadn't been as close to since high school for whatever reason are now being renewed. Aside from the one blemish, my social life has really improved.

Since it is now 4:15 a.m. and I attend the 8:45 traditional service at Salem UMC when I am awake for it, I am going to go to sleep. If I don't, we might end up going to the contemporary service at 11:00. Its fine, I just don't like it as well.

How does this even affect you?!?

In light of my lovely little political statement, here's a lovely little video clip.....

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment tonight.
All I can say is...well, why do you care if Gays marry?
"Separate but equal" never works. It is always separate and never equal.

**This will not be a primarily political blog. I promise. :D


Greetings to all.

So, blogging? We'll see how that works out--I'm not certain that I'm a blog kind of a girl. I am, however, willing to give it a shot as it allows me to more easily follow blogs (my mom's and my German teacher's... yeah, lame. but whatever....) and even post comments. :P

I am a high school student in Arkansas, I attend a local Methodist church, and I'm really involved in extracurriculars at school.
I'm all about acceptance and tolerance. I don't say the Pledge of Allegiance because I don't think that its fair to those who might not believe in God. Some might call me a radical, tree-hugging, pro-choice, pro-same sex mariage, pro-diversity, bleeding heart liberal. In German especially I'm everything from a hippie to a quaker. ;)
